by Wild Oak Capital | Aug 8, 2022 | Motivation, Real Estate, TREM
If something you purchased costs half of your yearly salary, you would follow through with the required action you need to take, right? In this episode of The Real Estate Mindset podcast, Robert Preston and I chat about the different asset classes in real estate and...
by Wild Oak Capital | Aug 1, 2022 | Property Management, Real Estate, TREM
What did you learn in school that can actually help you build wealth? Not much. In this episode of The Real Estate Mindset podcast, my co-host Ben Nelson and I chat with Nathaniel Pitchon-Getzels about his experience as a teacher in graduate school – and the...
by Wild Oak Capital | Jul 25, 2022 | Funds, Real Estate, TREM
Do you go fishing for capital before finding a deal? Or are you doing it the other way around? In this episode of The Real Estate Mindset podcast, Dave Dubeau and I chat about the advantages of finding capital before looking for a deal. We also chat about what happens...
by Wild Oak Capital | Jul 18, 2022 | Passive Income, Real Estate, TREM
Would you do real estate as a side-hustle? In this episode of The Real Estate Mindset podcast, Tim McGarvey and I chat about how he started investing into real estate while he worked his full-time corporate job. Starting with real estate as a side-hustle back then...
by Wild Oak Capital | Jul 11, 2022 | Motivation, Real Estate, TREM
Do you know what’s the difference between someone who makes seven figures in a couple of months Vs someone who makes seven figures in a couple of years? In this episode of The Real Estate Mindset podcast, Chris Prefontaine and I chat about the lessons he learned from...